Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sewing Projects are well underway:

Last night, I promised you pictures of the sewing progress.  I have completed 1 black vest and have another vest 1/2 done.  I need to have it done by SATURDAY (yikes!); because it is a birthday gift, and Saturday is THE day!  So I stayed up until 11:00pm working on it (said son doesn't go to bed until 9:00pm which doesn't leave much private working time).  Now that may not seem late to some, but for me, uggghhh!  Five o'clock am comes REALLY early when you don't hit the sack by 10:00pm.  Why does 1 extra hour make such a difference???  I want to know!

Here's the 1st success!

 Here's a close-up of the front fabric texture:

The glossy black of the back was hard to capture.
Maybe I'll be able to get a better picture later.

I was SO excited at how well it turned out.
Maybe I'll get better pictures later when I don't
have to hide in the bathroom while taking them.
(No prying eyes in there!  Finally!
When they were younger, I wasn't
even safe in there!)

Now before I show you progress on the 2nd vest,
here's proof that I did actually do this myself!  :)

I have this one together.  I just need to clip the curves
 and turn it.  Sew the side seams together and
sew a finishing edge all the way around
the perimeter of the vest.

I hope to have it done by Wednesday
so I will have time to clean the house
before Saturday for the birthday guests!

In case you forgot what the front looks like:

Stay tuned for this one.
The Cowboy will LOVE it!
(Yes, that is his nickname, given him by his friends.)


  1. I love vests! And this one is amazing ... you are quite the seamstress. Fabulous work! Can't wait to see the other one done. I know what you mean about the extra hour, I could never figure it out either. All I can say though is from what your results of the use of that hour it was more then worth it. Have a wonderful evening.

  2. My husband is my biggest fan. He is SO great!


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