Saturday, June 26, 2010

Floral Beauties - Tulips!

God makes wonderous variety, even among the same
type of flower.  He amazes me with His creativity.

My creativity comes from Him, but is,
definitely, but a poor reflection.


  1. Nature's colors always give me to take pause and marvel at His goodness. Beautiful pictures. Have a Special Sunday with blessings.

  2. I would agree, God makes wonderful varietys in all living things. I am thanful for my creativity, and the joy it brings me to create it. I hope the joy extends from the giver to the receiver.

  3. Nature's beauty is a definite blessing from above!


Thank you for making time for me in your busy day! Please leave a comment!!! It's so fun to hear your thoughts and to get to know you. God bless you!

2022 Crochet