Friday, December 31, 2010

My Gift from My Mom

My mom gave me a
beautiful gift this Christmas.

Isn't it sweet?

I have never seen this particular
variegated color combo before.

So earthy.

I decided it was the perfect
centerpiece for my table,
along with the dried apricots
I made last fall.

May God's glorious grace
be apparent to you today!!!


  1. It's very pretty. Have a Happy New Year. :)

  2. That's beautiful and it compliments you dried apricots.

  3. I like it too, this strange colour combination for a doily. You call it 'earthy'. I could call it 'rustique'.
    Still a Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year! I love the gift from your mom...AND I love the shelves. I'm going to show my husband and see if he can make some. ;-) He's going to love it.

    I mentioned you on my blog today. Stop by and check it out when you have a moment.

  5. Lia and Jen, Happy New Year to you too. I pray God fills it with blessings and that you fully experience His wonderous grace.

    Jen-thanks for the honor! I appreciate your comments on your blog.


Thank you for making time for me in your busy day! Please leave a comment!!! It's so fun to hear your thoughts and to get to know you. God bless you!

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