Our speaker was a family member of our event organizer, Holly. The speaker showed us her prayer journal and talked about how to get organized in your prayer life to life up people more frequently and to be more effective in prayer. She also said she saves past prayer sheets to hand down to her children so they can see how she prayed for them through different life stages. A legacy of prayer!
I want to become a prayer warrior. But somehow the busyness of life gets in the way. I get up early most mornings to spend time with Jesus, but often my thoughts wander in meaningless voids.
The speaker, Debbie, shared about praying out loud as a technique for focusing thoughts and keeping away from rabbit trails. She had an organized prayer notebook, splitting different people groups among the days of the week as a technique for making time for prayer for all those who need it. She even puts pictures of those she prayers for regularly by their prayer requests to bring them more personally to mind during her prayer time.
I loved it, but the thought of accomplishing all that is, to be honest, a little overwhelming. So now I will take what I learned and pray over how God wants me to use some of it in my time with Him. Debbie encouraged us not to make it a taskmaster over us, but a tool to help us.
Funny how so many things in life
come back to this one word for me.
The speaker also talked about writing in a journal to the Lord. She says she writes out all her thoughts, feelings, and current life events. But she only does it once a week. I thought that was a good goal. When I think I have to do that everyday, again, I get overwhelmed. Debbie says she plans for her journals to go to her children some day so that they can know her and her heart when she's gone. A legacy of transparency!
Finally, we were encouraged to write down memories of special things our children say and do to enjoy as we get older and need help remembering. I'm sure the children would enjoy reading those as well. A legacy of memories!
I hope I will successfully leave these legacies myself.
I want to grow in my spiritual life. I'm always trying to do whatever I can to stay close to Jesus. So maybe I will pick up a nugget to use from today. In any case, it was a good time, full of laughter and a few tears. Women sharing together always have to have elements of both.